School Counsellor

Normalizing Setbacks

12 Step Checklist For Back To School

Triple P Parenting Program


Our Guidance Counsellor at LM Montgomery is Alison Kelly

Phone: 902-368-4150


School counselling services are available to all LM Montgomery Elementary School students. Our counselling program is focused on enhancing and promoting student success and learning through academic, social and personal development. This is accomplished through individual counselling, group counselling and prevention/educational programming at the classroom and school-wide level.

Topics or areas of concern that are addressed through our counselling program may include: child’s self image or self esteem; relationships with peers and adults; coping with stress and anxiety; social skill development; emotion management; school performance; adjusting to personal and family transitional changes and loss; and other emotional and behavioural concerns. Referrals for counselling can come from teachers, administration, parents/guardians or from the children themselves.

Parent/Guardian Resources  &  Links to Web Sites

Anxiety in Children

Tip Sheet for Managing Stress in Those First Few Days of School

Positive Parenting from Two Homes Parenting Program
(One of the best websites for children/teen’s health and development)

Sibling Rivalry Article

Canadian Mental Health Association

Mental Health – Richmond Centre

Kidsport Program

Big Brothers Big Sisters